| 1. | In vitro culture of mature embryos of ginkgo biloba l 银杏成熟胚的离体培养研究 |
| 2. | Research advances in molecular biology on ginkgo biloba 银杏分子技术的研究进展 |
| 3. | Review on the study of hybridization of ginkgo biloba 银杏杂交育种研究现状及展望 |
| 4. | A study on salt tolerance of ginkgo biloba varieties 银杏品种耐盐能力的研究 |
| 5. | A research into trial on hardwood cutting of ginkgo biloba 银杏硬枝扦插育苗试验研究 |
| 6. | Leafy homologous gene cloned in maidenhair tree ginkgo biloba l 同源基因的分离与克隆 |
| 7. | Studies on the ultrasonic extraction process of ginkgo biloba l 生姜总黄酮的提取及鉴别 |
| 8. | Morphological differentiation of male flower bud of ginkgo biloba l 银杏雄花芽的形态分化 |
| 9. | Ginkgo biloba extract for senile dementia 银杏叶提取物治疗老年痴呆症 |
| 10. | Genetic variation of chemical constituent in ginkgo biloba leaves 银杏叶中化学成分的遗传变异 |